Services & Amenities

All residents have access to outdoor common areas, meals provided (vegetarian options), activities onsite and offsite, indoor common areas, private baths, and other perks. Seniors enjoy the comfort of their new home, and our friendly, well-trained staff is available for anything they may want or need.

At our facility, we understand that seniors require varying degrees of assistance as they age, but also value their independence. That’s why we offer a range of services and assistance, ensuring that each resident can maintain a full and independent life while staying with us.

Residents may enjoy a full schedule of social, educational, and entertainment activities. Our structured program helps all residents maintain a high quality of life. Many of our activities encourage members to socialize and develop friendships with other residents. We make sure the activities are fun and entertaining.

If you are interested in visiting our community in Rolesville and would like to have a closer look, call us at (919) 488-4135 to schedule an appointment today.

Every Service Is Included:

  • Personalized Care Plans
  • RN On Call
  • Three Nutritious and Delicious Meals
  • Snacks and Drinks Anytime
  • Secure Environment
  • Medication Assistance by Certified Staff
  • Dressing Assistance
  • Bathing and Grooming Assistance
  • Mobility Assistance
  • Incontinence Assistance and Supplies
  • We do your laundry and housekeeping


Special Features:

We understand your needs. We respect your individuality. We offer you special features to enhance your activities of daily living. So live well and be happy. It’s all here:

  • 24 Hr Assistance
  • Health & Wellness
  • Activities to Stimulate the Senses
  • Wireless Internet
  • Cable Television


Dementia Care:

When your loved one requires special care, we can help. We design personalized therapeutic care plans to nourish body, mind and spirit. Maintaining a consistent routine with familiar caregivers is important. In our cozy settings, individuals suffering with dementia feel at home and secure.

  • 24 hr Personal Attention
  • Incontinence Care
  • Supervision and Companionship
  • Calming low-stimuli environment
  • Positive Social Interactions


When medical services are needed, we will assist you with a variety of community resources covered by Medicare and supplemental medical insurance:

  • In-Home Primary Care
  • Podiatry
  • Skilled Nursing
  • Physical & Occupational Therapies
  • Durable Medical Equipment

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